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Enhypen Bias Quiz: Which Is Yours?

Enhyphen are up there with the freshest K-Pop groups - but who is your bias?

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
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We all have our favourite members when it comes to K-Pop! Our bestie when it comes to singing and dancing, and each of the members of Enhyphen are different and special in their own way- but which one is your real bias?! Let’s find out once and for all!


What is your favourite colour?


Someone is struggling with some bags up the stairs, what do you do?


What would you rather eat for breakfast?


Where would you rather go on holiday?


Which of these is your favourite animal?


What would you wear to a party?


What is your favourite way to travel?


What is your favourite instrument?


When do you wake up in the morning?


Which artist would you like to collab with the most?

Enhyphen | YouTube


Awesome! Your Bias is Heeseung, but that was obvious right! He’s one of the greatest in the whole group and his voice really stands out from the crowd! Musical skill is super important to you and that’s probably why you got him as your bias! Nice one! Of course, if you don’t think this is accurate, why not have another try at the quiz and see if you get another result - but you might not!

Enhyphen | YouTube


Epic! Your bias is clearly Jay! They’ve probably got the most recognisable style when it comes to dancing! This is probably why you’ve gotten this bias, because for you, having those energetic moves is really important! It goes without saying that Jay has that on lock - so there you go! But if you think we’ve gotten it wrong, why not try this quiz again and see if you can get a different result?!

Enhyphen | YouTube


Blam! You’ve gotten Jake for your bias! Jake is one of the moodier of all the members, he’s got some powerful emotions building up inside him and that’s what makes him so cool and interesting! Just like you, Jake is in touch with how he feels and isn’t afraid to express that! What a great result!

Enhyphen | YouTube


Incredible! Sunoo is your bias! What a great result! They’re one of the most honest and compassionate members of Enhyphen, and that must be why you’ve gotten them as your bias! You like their style, that’s clear, but Sunoo knows what it takes to be cool and kind in the same breath, and that’s the real hook! You should be really happy with this one!