Everleigh Rose Trivia Quiz For True Fans Only
It's time to see how much you know about YouTube star and influencer Everleigh Rose! Answer these questions and see just how much of a fan you really are!
How much do you know about social media star and member of the LeBrant family, Everleigh Rose? Let's find out with this trivia quiz! Can you get 100% correct? And if you liked this, why not check out more social media quizzes here! What about this quiz all about Danny Gonzalez? Or maybe you're up for this quiz on Anna McNulty? Or if you want to find out which Everleigh Rose video to watch, check out this quiz!

What is Everleigh Rose best known for?

How many followers does she have on Insta?

When is her birthday?

What's her starsign?

What was her song called?

Where is she from?

What is her favourite colour?

True or false; she is homeschooled?

Which influencer is her mum?

True or false: she has a sister called Rosie?

Oh noooo! Unfortunately you didn't get any answers about Everleigh Rose right, which means you'll have to have another go!

You seem to know a little bit about Everleigh Rose, but not enough to ace this quiz! Try again!

Great! You must love Everleigh and her channel, because you did really well! Can you get 100% next time though?

Incredible! There's no doubt about it, you're a true Everleigh Rose fan! Congrats!