The Hardest Justin Bieber Quiz In The World!
You may think you know Justin Bieber, but just how much of a Belieber are you? Try this fiendishly difficult quiz and see how big of a fan you really are!
This quiz is only for the very biggest of Bieber fans - is that you? If you think it is, then go ahead and try this tricky Justin Bieber quiz! Will you score high, or will you need to go back and try again? Good luck! And if you liked this, there's hundreds more music quizzes here! If your Justin obsession needs more Bieber, we've got this Justin Bieber Songs Quiz, and this Justin Bieber Lyric Quiz for anyone who thinks they're a true expert!

When is Justin's birthday?

Which city was he born in?

How was Justin discovered?

How many UK number 1 singles has he had?

Who is Justin married to?

True or false: he is the second most followed person on Twitter?

What's his 2021 album called?

What job has Justin said he'd like, if he wasn't a singer?

What age was Justin when he started performing live?

Apart from English, which other language does he speak?

A true Belieber! You know Justin so well you might even BE him! ...You're not, are you?

Nice work! You're a big Bieber fan, we can tell!

Try again! You know a bit about the Beeb, but not enough! Have another go!

Oh no! Looks like you're a UNBeliber! Nevermind, have another go and see if you can score any higher!