Madison Beer Quiz
How much do you know about this incredible singer and songwriter? Test yourself with this musically talented Madison Beer quiz!
She might not quite be as famous as Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande... but she's getting there! Answer these 10 trivia questions and we'll see how much you really know about Madison Beer! Go on, you can do it!

Which big US city is Madison from?

Which popstar first posted one of her covers?

Her debut single was called... what?

What is Life Support?

When she write Life Support, what was going on in her life?

Finish the name of her second album. "Silence... "

Madison is also an actor. True or false?

Which of these is NOT a song by Madison?

Which of these artists does Madison love most?

Which Bella Poarch music video does Madison appear in?

Oh no! This is not your best work. You should probably have another go at this quiz, before Madison realises how few questions you got right! Eeek! Don't worry though, we have plenty of other pop music quizzes for you to try if you don't fancy this one!

Not bad! You definitely know a few things about the music of Madison Beer! You did get some questions wrong though - do you know which ones? Have another go at this quiz and let's see if you can score a bit higher next time!

Great work! You really know your stuff! Madison is really impressed - you almost got every single question correct! You just missed out on one or two answers, do you know which ones? Let's see if you can beat this score on a different music quiz!

GASP! Amazing! You got every single question right! Perfect - you really know a lot about Madison Beer! You can't improve on this score... but you might be able to match it on a different pop quiz. We have loads more! Up for finding out if you can get ANOTHER high score? You can do it!