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This Shakira Lyric Quiz Don't Lie!

Whenever, wherever you are - you should have a go at this Shakira lyrics quiz! It's worth taking! So what are you waiting for?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Shakira is a household name and an amazing, award-winning pop artist. But she's fallen off the top spot in the charts in recent years - but do you rememeber all her classic songs? Test your knowledge of Shakira's music and lyrics with this poptastic music quiz!

Read on, Shakira fans!


What language comes next?


Fill in the blank! Come on, you know this one!


What comes next?


What follows this famous line?


And then what?


Interesting. What does it make?


Fill in the blank!


What's next?




Last one! What comes next?

@Shakira | Youtube

Nooooo! This is not the best result we've eevr seen! Are you sure you're a Shakira fan? No problem if not - maybe you need to listen to her back catalog and have another go? Better luck next time!

@Shakira | Youtube

Pretty good! You're clearly a Shakira fab - but maybe one that needs to brush up on their skills a little bit! Never mind, if you want another go you just go ahead. If not, we have lots of other amazing pop music quizzes for you to try!

@Shakira | Youtube

Wahoo! This is an amazing score! You really know your stuff - Shakira would be proud! You got almost all of these questions right - but just missed out on one or two. Do you know where you went wrong? Let's see if you can beat this score on a different quiz!

@Shakira | Youtube

Amazing! Full marks! A perfect Shakira quiz score! Woweee! You really know your stuff! Now, do you think you can match this score on a different pop music quiz? We think you can... give it a go!