Taeyang Quiz For True VIPs!
How much do you know about Taeyang? Is he your ultimate bias? There's only one way to truly find out! Answer some questions and see if you're his number one VIP!
How good is your knowledge on Taeyang and his life? Good enough to become his biggest VIP? Find out for sure with this trivia quiz! And if you liked this, why not check out loads more K-Pop quizzes here! How about having a go at this RM expert quiz? Or maybe you think you're ready to take on this EXO lyric quiz? We've even got this quiz that tells you which K-Pop idol you are!

What's his real name?

Which band is he in?

What's his position in the group?

Where is he from?

When is his birthday?

What does his older brother do?

Who has he known since he was 12?

Which of these weird things does he do?

True or false: he is married?

What does his stage name mean?

Noooo! Unfortunately this time you didn't get VIP status, but don't worry! You can always have another go and see if you get more answers right!

Not bad, but not quite a VIP! Try again and see if you can get more questions right! Make Taeyang proud of you!

Well done! You're well on your way to VIP status because you scored really highly! But can you get 100% next time? We think so!

Woah, official VIP alert! You got 100% in this quiz, which can only mean one thing...you're a true Taeyang super fan! Congrats!