The Coolest Album Cover Quiz!
How well do you know your album covers? It's time to put your skills to the test with this epic quiz!
Fancy yourself as the pop prodigy of picture quizzes? Then prepare for the ultimate test and identify the album by the cover!
For more picture puzzles be sure to check out our Name The Song Title from The Picture Quiz, or for a merry musical quiz try The Ultimate Christmas Song Picture Quiz!

Let's go! What album is this?

Whose album is this?

What album is this?

How about this?

And this one?

What album is this?

How about this?

What album is this?

How about this pop classic?

But what could this be?

Name the album!

What album is this?

What album is this?

What album is this?

How about this?

Name the classic album!

What album is this?

Whose album is this?

What album is this?

And finally... what album is this?

Amazing! You got a PERFECT Score! There's no doubt about it, you certainly know your album covers... An incredible result, well done!

Pretty good! Though not a totally PERFECT score - You know your music and certainly have quizzy skills! A very impressive result... Great job!

Not so hot! It seems you may need to expand your music knowledge a little... Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Oh Dear! It seems you may need to brush up on your album covers... but that's okay, this was a hard quiz! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?