21 Question Christmas Song Picture Quiz for Kids 2022!
Are you a Christmas hit or a Christmas miss? Play the ultimate Christmas Song Picture Quiz to find out!
It's that time of the year again! Whatever you think of Christmas songs, there's just no way of escaping them! So you may as well test your knowledge of those songs that always get stuck in your head each Christmas. If you want more Beano stuff, head over to our quiz where we can guess how old you are based on answers you give us- cool!

Who has NOT recorded Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town?

In Paul McCartney's Wonderful Christmastime, complete the lyrics: "The choir of children sing their song ____ ____, ____ ____, ____ ___'

Sia released a Christmas album in 2017. What was it called?

What does Mariah Carey not care about in her famous Christmas song?

In which country was Silent Night written?

On a 1965 mission, which song did astronauts play in space?

How many times is the word ‘la' sung in the song Deck the Halls?

Complete the lyrics: 'All I Want For Christmas Is My _____ Front Teeth'

Which band wished it could be Christmas everyday?

How many swans were a-swimming during the 12 Days of Christmas?

What was the theme for The Snowman called?

How many times has Do They Know It’s Christmas been released?

This London group asked someone to Stay Another Day. Which postcode was used for their name?

What did 80s pop legends Wham! give you "last Christmas"?

And who are they regifting it to this year?

Who was this guy dancing with in the dark?

Who built a city on this snack?

What colour Christmas was this Bing Crosby droning on about years ago?

What colour Christmas did Elvis Presley drone on about? And yes, it's the same question as before.

How many Christmas number 1 singles did the Spice Girls get?

Last question. How many Christmas number 1 singles did The Beatles get?

What a grinch! I mean, seriously? No presents for you this year.

Not so bad. You're not Christmas Number 1. But you're in the top ten.

You've made it to Christmas Number 1. And you're not any old Christmas Number 1, either. You're the sort of Christmas Number 1 that people listen to every year. Non-stop. I hope you don't get annoying.