Play the Ultimate Olivia Rodrigo Quiz
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Are you Olivia's biggest fan? Find out with this cool quiz!
When is Olivia's birthday?
Where was she born?
Olivia Rodrigo | YouTube
What advert was Olivia's first ever TV appearence?
Olivia Rodrigo | Instagram
Which Disney channel show did she star in?
What was her debut album called?
What's her starsign?
Olivia Rodrigo | Instagram
Who did she play in High School Musical: The Series?
What's the name of her most popular song?
Olivia Rodrigo | Instagram
Olivia is a self confessed super fan of who?
What's Olivia's heritage?
11/12 How many Instagram followers does Olivia have?
Which of these instruments does she play?
Olivia Rodrigo | YouTube
Amazing! You're a number one Olivia stan and you know all about her! Well done!
Olivia Rodrigo | YouTube
Well done! You obviously know loads about Olivia!
Olivia Rodrigo | Instagram
Looks like you know a bit about Olivia, but not as much as you could! Try again!
Olivia Rodrigo | Instagram
Uh oh, are you sure you're not thinking about ANOTHER Olivia? Have another go and see if you score any higher!