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The Ultimate Union J Quiz

The Ultimate Union J Quiz

Are you a Union J mega-fan? Find out with this pop-tastic quiz!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
@unionjworld | instagram

What were Union J originally known as?


Which of these is NOT a member of Union J?

Britain's Got Talent | Talkback Thames / Fremantle / Syco Television | ITV

Union J started on Britain's Got Talent. True or false?

@unionjworld | instagram

Complete the name of the song:Loving You Is___

Union J | Youtube

Finish the lyric from Carry You:"That's the least I can do, 'Cause when I fell..."

@onedirection | instagram

Union J are best mates with which of these bands?

@apartmentguide | giphy

Which of these is NOT an album by Union J?


What's Cuthbert's first name?


Whereabouts in the UK are Union J from?

@unionjworld | instagram

Oh dear. This is awkward. Try another quiz?

@unionjworld | instagram

Not bad! Not bad at all. Can you beat this score on another quiz?

@unionjworld | instagram

Good work! You know your Union J!

@unionjworld | instagram

Wahoo! High score! You're unstoppable!