Which Dance Style Am I Quiz?
Love dance but stuck on how to choose a dance style? Take this toe-tapping dancing quiz and all will be revealed!
Do you like a traditional Waltz or Charleston? Or are you more into breakdancing and body-popping? You could be a proud acrobatic show-off, or maybe you just like to keep your dancing to yourself when nobody else is watching (yeah, right). Whatever you like about dancing, there's definitely a style out there that's perfect for you. Ready to find out how to choose a dance style? Well let's get quizzing and find out!

How fast can you dance?

Pick a move:

Where would you rather dance?

Pick one of these musicians:

Pick an outfit:

Dancing is... what?

Pick a school subject:

Pick a musical instrument:

Would you dance with someone else?

You're halfway through a dance routine and the audience look bored. What do you do?

You're Street Dancing!
You're obviously very cool, and prefer dance styles that don't have a bunch of stuffy rules or traditions. You don't need a fancy outfit to dance in, and you just like doing what feels natural - like breakdancing or some acrobatic dance moves!

You're ballroom!
You're a very traditional type of dance, best done in a big gown or fancy suit. You'd be good on Strictly, but your music choices are pretty limited to old pop songs or jazz or whatever. Ballroom dances are often low in acrobatic leaping about, but very high in fancy footwork. So get practising those taps, shuffles and hop-steps!

You're Bollywood!
You're one of the most impressive and showy dance styles out there! Bollywood takes influence from traditional Indian dance, but also Arabic, Western and Latin moves, too. You'll have to be pretty energetic to master this style! Oh...and you'll need about 30 of your mates to help you out as backing dancers too!

You're Get Sturdy!
Are you a rabbit standing on a hot pavement? Because you love to hop from foot to foot when you're throwing these slick shapes!