Are You More Sam or Colby?
Which member of this ghosthunting duo are you most like - sunny like Sam, or cool like Colby?
If you're into ghost hunting on YouTube, you've definitely come across Sam and Colby's channel! The two of them have been to some of the most haunted places in the world to look for some seriously spooky spectres. One of the best things about the show is Sam and Colby themselves - their fun personalities help keep the spooks at bay! Take the quiz and find out if you're more like Sam or Colby - you might be surprised with the results! For more spooky fun, have a go at our Sam and Colby trivia quiz, learn some fun facts about ghosts, or see if YOUR house is haunted!

Pick a haunted location to investigate!

Choose a piece of ghosthunting equipment!

What's your best quality?

Pick a type of Zodiac sign!

Pick a colour!

Who's your favourite musician?

Do you love pranks?

What kind of ghost would you hate to have in your home?

Pick a different ghosthunting show

Pick an exotic animal to have as a pet!

You're Sam! You're spontaneous and fun loving, but you're also quite introverted and private! You're definitely brave when it comes to hunting ghosts and ghouls, though!

You're Colby! You love music and you're totally in touch with your emo roots. You'd be a great ghosthunter too, because you're totally fearless!