![Anger quiz](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/anger-quiz.jpg)
Back To School - How To Avoid Anger!
Life can be tricky and everyone can lost their patience at times. How will you react to these made-up situations?
![A broken calculator](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/broken-calculator-887x499.jpg)
You've brought your new calculator in and discover it doesn't work. Do you...
![A person who has forgotten their packed lunch](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/forgot-packed-lunch-887x499.jpg)
You've got all the way to the school gate and realise you've forgotten your lunch. Do you...
![Homework in a muddy puddle](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/muddy-puddle-887x499.jpg)
You're walking to school and drop your homework in a muddy puddle. Do you...
![American football player](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/american-football-player-angry-887x499.jpg)
You're playing sports and you're chosen for a position you hate playing. Do you...
You're in the queue for school dinner and your favourite meal has run out. Do you...
![An annoyed person with steam coming out of their ears](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/06/annoyed-887x499.jpg)
It's Monday, it's raining and you've got double maths. Do you...
![A sad student](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/sad-student-887x499.jpg)
Your best friend has joined another group of people at break time. Do you...
![A delicious school lunch](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/school-lunch-887x499.jpg)
You're carrying your lunch tray to the table and someone bumps into you and you drop everything. Do you...
![Two people laughing](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/laughing-people-887x499.jpg)
Your friends make a joke about you but it gets a bigger reaction than they anticipated. Do you...
![A person pointing a finger of blame](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/finger-of-blame-887x499.jpg)
In a group task, someone makes a massive mistake and blames you in front of the teacher. Do you...
![A student holding an important book](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/book-loan-887x499.jpg)
You lend someone an important book and they forget to bring it back. Now your homework will be harder to do. Do you...
![A lump of chewing gum](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/chewing-gum-887x499.jpg)
You reach under the desk for something and get someone else's chewing gum stuck on your hand. Do you...
![Result: Ice cool](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/ice-cool-887x499.jpg)
You are: ICE COOL!
You're cool as a cucumber wearing an ice cube for a hat. Nothing seems to get to you and you're a calm person to be around!
![Result: Laid back](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/laid-back-887x499.jpg)
You are: LAID BACK!
You're relaxed about everything and nothing really seems to make you annoyed!
![Result: A Bit Grumpy](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/grumpy-887x499.jpg)
You are: A BIT GRUMPY!
While you can handle most annoying situations, you sometimes have a tendency to get a bit stroppy. Next time you feel irritated, how about you try counting up to 10 and seeing how you feel then? It might work wonders!
![Result: A Fireball of Fury](https://d27qbb6c23tuke.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/08/fireball-887x499.jpg)
Even the smallest inconvenience can really set you off. It's time to practice some calming techniques, like deep breathing or having a walk in the fresh air!