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Slime man!

Personality Quiz: Build the Ultimate Slime and We’ll Tell You What You’ll Be When You Grow Up!

By using science and an expert panel, we'll tell you what kind of job you'll have in the future. Curious? Take this quiz and find out!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 21st 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 21st 2024

It's time to take the quiz. Are you ready?

1/10 Two handfuls of red slime

Let's start with the basics. What colour will your slime be?

2/10 A messy man carrying a mixing bowl of... slime?

Will you mix anything into it?

3/10 A handful of worms

What kind of texture will your slime have?


We think you should add something else to your slime to make it unique. Choose one...

5/10 A woman covered in slime thinks about things

Does your slime remind you of anything?

6/10 A man holding his nose

Add an aroma to your mixture...

7/10 A handful of sticky slime!

How sticky is your slime?

8/10 Foamy white slime

In one word, describe your slime!

9/10 A man counting to 10

On a scale of 1 to 10, how awesome is it?

10/10 A sticky name tag

Give your slime a name!

A scientist examining a lump of slime

You'll be a: SCIENTIST!

The data is in! it seems that your slime was carefully measured and made in such a methodical way that the best job for you would be a scientist – just think of all the cool gadgets in the lab!

An artist at work in the studio

You'll be an: ARTIST!

The data is in! Our findings show that your slime is great to look at and shows that you are very creative. You should be an artist!

A chef with a dollop of slime on his head!

You'll be a: CHEF!

The data is in! Our computer read out says that your slime smells amazing, looks fantastic and shows great flair when it comes to mixing it all up in a bowl. What's for pudding?

A news reader and Dennis the Menace

You'll be a: NEWS READER!

You managed to build your slime without making a mess and you made it while being cool, calm and collected. Perfect qualities for a news reader on the telly, we reckon!