Face Shape Quiz
You have a beautiful face. But what shape is it? Take this quiz and let's find out - it's almost as easy as looking in the mirror!
Is your face a little bit round? Maybe you have sharper features? Maybe your face is a lovely smooth oval? It really doesn't matter what shape your face is, because there are millions of different ways to look good! But if really absolutely have to find out what shape your face is... then this is the quiz for you! Answer these questions and we'll tell you!

You are... what?

Pick a snack:

What's on your face right now?

What are you up to this weekend?

What's your favourite subject at school?

If you could be any animal, what would it be?

Pick a board game:
8/10 Now pick some face cream from one of these mystery boxes:

Do you have a beard?

What shape are your eyebrows?

You have a round face!
Your face is nice and round! Some people say this means you might be more creative or something... but the most important thing is that you like your face! And you should... because you have a lovely one! Do you think we've got your face shape wrong? Have another go at this quiz and we'll see if we can get it right next time!

You have a square face!
You have a amazing, slightly square face! Some say that this shape might be a sign of extra problem solving ability or something along those lines… but the main thing is that you love your face! And you should - your face is great! If you think we didn’t quite get your face shape right, feel free to give the quiz another shot, and we'll try again!

You have a diamond shaped face!
Your diamond shaped face is really lovely! Some people say a face with sharper features could mean you're more artistic or creative… but who cares as long as you feel good about it! Not sure we got your face shape right? Take the quiz again, and let's see if we can nail it next time!

You have an oval face!
Your face is beautifully oval! It's round with some lovely soft curves. It could mean your independent and free thinker but we don't know about that - the most important thing is that you love your face! And you absolutely should, because it's great! Do you think we might have made a mistake with your face shape? Give the quiz another try, and let's see what you get next time!