How Dennis Are You?
Take this quiz to see how much of a prankster you are!

The teacher has turned round to write on the board. What do you do?

Your mum has bought special broccoli sausages for dinner - do you eat them?

It's your friends birthday and you find out you and another mate got her the same thing! What should you do!

Which of these activities appeals the most?

You have to do a school project entitled 'Under The Sea' - what do you do?

Pick a breed of dog

Oh no - the skate park is closed! What are you going to do for fun instead?

Gnasher comes second in a best dog competition! How do you react?

Choose a medieval weapon

Uh oh - you wake up an hour after your alarm and now you're SERIOUSLY late for school! What do you do?

How tidy is your bedroom?

Your in the school talent show - but what's your talent?

Do a skateboard trick!

Walter has left his mobile phone on his school desk. What do you do?

You've set up a TikTok account. What's your first video?

0% Dennis!
Are you Walter? You're nothing like Dennis! You're well behaved, studious and you always follow the rules!

A little bit Dennis
You're a bit like Dennis - you like to pull the occasional prank but you never go too far!

75% Dennis!
You've got many similar qualities to Beanotown's coolest menace!

Definitely Dennis!
Woa, are you Dennis himself? Just like Dennis you love breaking the rules, pulling pranks and generally being an all-round menace!