How DODGER are you?
Take our quiz to find out if you can match Roger, dodge for dodge, or if you'll just wander around like Walter!
How DODGER are you?
1/6 Tidying your bedroom is so boring - how do you dodge it?
2/6 The school bully is coming down the street towards you - what's your dodge?
3/6 Urrgh! Sprouts for tea... dodge that one!
4/6 It's the school disco but you don't want to dance with the person asking you. Dodge required!
5/6 There's a big test at school and you haven't studied - what do you do?
6/6 Here's your last question...

Are you Walter?
Urgh, no way you're a dodger!

Nifty dodger, but not quite Roger!
You certainly know a few dodges but we suggest you read more Beanos to get even better!

You got Roger!
You could definitely give Roger a run for his money - except he always dodges out of running!