How Embarrassing Is Your Dad?
Dads are embarrassing, as sure as the sun rises. But how embarrassing is yours?
There’s only one way to find out just how much your Dad makes you curl up with cringe, and that’s right here! So jump on into this quiz and prepare to bare the truth! Or maybe your Dad is actually super cool? Only you can tell for sure so what are you waiting for? Let’s get into it!

How does your Dad greet you?

What does your Dad do for fun?

What sport does your Dad follow?

What would your Dad get you for your birthday?

What kind of car does your Dad drive?

What is your Dad’s favourite genre of music?

How high does he wear his trousers?

What is your Dad’s idea of a fun day out?

What does your Dad eat for breakfast?

How does your Dad say goodbye?

Super cool Dad!
Nice! You’re one of the lucky ones! Your Dad is actually pretty cool, they’re not like the other Dads and in fact hanging out with them can be quite fun! But don’t worry, things can always change, and you never know when they might have a change of heart and start telling your friends about that time you wet yourself! Watch out!

Pretty cool Dad!
Alright, this isn’t quite so bad! It’s probably been a while since your Dad rocked into your sleepover shirtless and telling you about ‘that time he met Bon Jovi (whoever that is?) So you’re doing okay - your Dad isn’t as embarrassing as he could be, but they could still be a little bit less cringe…

Pretty cringe!
Ooer! It looks like your Dad is pretty cringe. They’re the kind of Dad that will happily tell your friends all about that time you wet yourself at a sleepover. He doesn’t mean to embarrass you, he just simply can’t help it - it’s in his nature! Just be sure to let your friends know not to believe a word he says and you should be fine!

Your Dad is the ultimate cringe!
Yours is the kind of Dad that loves nothing more than to make your curl up into a ball of cringe and hide inside your jumper! He lives to embarrass you, in fact it’s his number one skill! Bad jokes - tick. Cringe stories - tick! He’s got it all, so you better be careful inviting your friends over! Please stop it Dad!