How Embarrassing Is YOUR Sister?
Sisters can be cringe - but how embarassing is yours? Take the quiz and find out!
Family can be a little bit embarassing at the best of times - and if you've ever been embarassed by your sister, you're totally not alone! She only does it because she loves you - even if you wish she'd find another way to show it! This quiz will let you know how cringey your sis is - a little, a lottle, or the absolute most! Don't forget tp check out the rest of our family-themed fun on the site - have a laugh with some dad jokes, or some brother jokes!

You've brought your friends back to your place - what does your sister do?

What kind of kid are you?

What do you and your sister do when you hang out?

It's time to get your sister's hand-me-downs! What are you getting?

You and your BFF are hanging out in your room and your sister bursts in - why???

What does your sister call you?

You're on holiday and you have to share a room with your sister! How does it go?

You're on a shopping trip! Where does your sister want to go?

It's time to go to the cinema! What film does your sister pick?

It's Christmas! What does your sister get you?

She's cool!
Your sister is kind of cool - actually, she's probably the coolest person in your house! That's a good thing, because she can help you with the latest trends! Remember that you're also cool and just as worthy of her attention!

A little bit cringe!
Your sister is a little bit cringey - but hey, all of us have our moments! It's good to have a sister that supports you!

Pretty embarassing!
Your sister is pretty embarassing, which is super difficult when you're trying to impress friends! She does truly love you though - why else would she want to spend so much time with you?

Totally cringe!
Your sister is certified double-platinum cringe - but hey, it's nice to have a sister who likes to spend time with you!