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How Tall Are You Going To Be Quiz

Hey, you! Yes, you! Ever wanted to know how tall you'll be as a grown up? Take this quiz and we'll have a guess!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated November 7th 2024
Rarest Answer
You'll Be A Bit Shorter Than Average!

People keep growing all the way up to their early twenties - but with a few big bursts throughout their teenage years. What makes you tall depends on yoru family, your diet, lots of things! So unless you've already finsihwed growing, it's really hard to tell how tall you're going to be. But that's not going to stop us trying! Answer these questions and we'll see if we can work it out!


Pick a sport:


What shoes are you wearing right now?


You are...


What are you having for dinner?


Your hair is...


Which of these things is more annoying?


If you were an animal you'd be a... what?


Now pick some fruit:

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If you had a time machine, where would you go?

10/10 A person stretching during yoga

Do you do any exercise?

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You'll be a bit shorter than average!

Well your very scientific quiz results are in - and they're saying you'll be a bit shorter than average! Nothing wrong with this, it means you'll be better at hide and seek and its much easier to buy clothes. Seriously though - height doesn't mean anything! Like to try another fun quiz? We have loads more!

You'll be average height!

Ok - confirmed! You won't be really short or really tall! You'll actually be pretty much bang on average height! Hopefully you're pleased with this sciore, but remember height doesn't mean anything! Best thing about bng average height is it's easier to buy clothes... and that's it! Now, have a go at another fun quiz? We have loads more!

You'll be a little taller than average!

The quiz has done it's magic, and our guess is that you'll end up a little taller than average! You won't be a giant, but you will be a tny bit tallewr than most other people. We hope this is the result you wanted - but remember: height doesn't mean anything! Fancy trying a different fun quiz? We have loads more where this one came from!

You'll be REALLY tall!

Wow ok - your quiz results are pointing to you being really really tall! Like, the tallest ever! This is a mixed blessing, you can see a really long way and are good at basketball, but it's hard to buy clothes and hide and seek is basically impossible. Rather be a different height? Try this quiz again and see if you get a different result!