Lional Llama's Magic Euro Predictor!
Hello, I'm Lionel Llama and I have a magic knack for predicting the results of major football tournaments! All you have to do is tell me some things about yourself and I'll give you a 100% accurate and definitely true result - will it be England or Italy? The crystal ball will decide!

Choose a position in football

Choose a flavour

Choose a sports superstar

Where would you like to go on holiday?

Pick a scent

Which team do you support?

Choose some classic English weather

Choose a classic Italian dish

Choose a famous stadium

Choose a weird sport

Are you excited for the Olympics?

Choose a sweet

It's coming home! Or, if you're not English, it's coming to a country near you! Yup, the three lions have it in the bag!

Mama Mia! Italy does it again! A rousing success for these Mediterranean boys! Molto bene!

Polish team 1925
Look, I know this doesn't sound plausible, but there's going to be a rip in the space time continuum meaning that the Polish team from 1925 are going to win this years Euro! I said I could predict the future, I didn't say it would make any sense!