Personality Quiz: Build a FIFA 19 Team and We’ll Tell You If You’ll Win the Premier League!
Do you have the skills to create the best football team in the UK? There's only one way to find out!
1/10 Who is your first choice goalkeeper?

FIFA 19 | EA Sports
Pick two defenders!

FIFA 19 | EA Sports
Who'll be your star midfielder?

FIFA 18 | EA Sports
Who'll join them in midfield?

FIFA 19 | EA Sports
Let's pick some wingers!

FIFA 16 | EA Sports
Who'll be your centre forward?

FIFA 18 | EA Sports
Who'd be your super sub?

FIFA 19 | EA Sports
You'll need another sub for the bench. Pick one of the following!

Which formation would you chose to play?

What would your managerial style be?

Your team will be: CHAMPIONS!
Wow. What a team! You're going to have to buy another cabinet for all the trophies you're bound to win this year!

Your team will be: TOP FOUR!
What a nail biting season! You almost won the league!

Your team will be: MIDDLE OF THE TABLE!
Another season of minimal excitement. Oh, well. At least you won't be relegated.

Your team will be: RELEGATED!
Oh dear. While it's nice to pick your dad and friends for your Premier League team, it seems they weren't quite up to the job. And why did you pick a pile of cardboard boxes?