Personality Quiz: This Colour Test Will Reveal Your YouTube Style
Spot the odd ones out and we'll reveal your YouTube persona!
Are you ready?
1/10 Which of these grey chairs are different from the others?
2/10 Which piglet is the odd one out?
3/10 These oranges basically look the same, but which one is slightly different?
4/10 Which block of butter is the odd one out?
5/10 Which apple is different to the others?
6/10 Which section of grass is different to the other three?
7/10 Which bunch of grapes is different to the others?
8/10 Which dog stands out from the pack?
9/10 Which of these flowers are different to the rest?
10/10 This is the fanciest of all video game controllers. But which one is different to the others?

You are: A GAMER!
Judging by your results, we'd imagine you'd have millions of followers who love to see you play Fortnite and eat loads of pizza at the same time!

Judging by your results, we'd imagine you'd have millions of followers who love your sense of style and creativity!

You are a: COMEDIAN!
Judging by your results, we'd imagine you'd have millions of followers who love your amazing jokes and sketches with your friends!

You are a: MAKE-UP LEGEND!
Judging by your results, we'd imagine you'd have millions of followers who want to learn about the best make-up products and tips!