Personality Quiz: Which Winter Activity Should You Do?
Seeing as the summer is ages away, which cool activities should you do this winter? Take this quiz and find out!
Let's go!

You wake up to lots of snow. What's the first thing you think of?

What's the best way to keep warm on a cold winter's day?

Which winter sport appeals to you the most?

Which video game would you play?

What's the best drink to have when it's cold outside?

What's the best kind of hat to use on a snowman?

You fall over in the snow. How do you react?

What's the best thing about snow?

What's the best thing to eat after being outside all day?

What's your favourite season, really?

You love snow and would spend every minute outside if it wasn't so cold. You're a bit of a daredevil when it comes to sweet tricks!

You should: BUILD AN IGLOO!
Your love of Minecraft and the winter blends perfectly for this outdoor activity!

You reckon your friends deserve a well-aimed snowball and we all know the perfect season for this!

You should: STAY INDOORS!
You prefer to wrap up and snuggle up on the sofa and watch films and cartoons until... the spring.