Which Sea of Stars Character Would Be Your Best Friend?
Are you hanging out with the sun, the moon, or a humble cook? Take the quiz and find out!
Sea of Stars is brand new and so far the reviews are great! If you've been enjoying it, you're probably loving the amazing characters in the game - both the player characters and the NPCs! You're probably wondering which character would be your bestie if you were in the world of the game, and great news - that's what this quiz is for! So get stuck in, and find out what you and your new BFF will get up to on your adventures! Don't forget we've got more gaming quizzes too - find out your Genshin Impact kin, see how well you know Roblox Theme Park Tycoon, or learn some awesome Gacha Club facts!

What's your favourite food?

What's your favourite time of day?

Pick a colour!

Which bird are you most like?

Where's your favourite place to explore in an RPG?

What would your role be in a royal court?

What job would you love to have?

Pick a fantasy series!

You're on an adventure! Where are you stopping for the night?

What do you prefer?

Zale is your bestie! You guys are both bold, optimistic, and have a sunny disposition! You would enjoy going out on warm days together and making new friends!

Valere would be your best friend! You're both winter people who prefer quiet time to a big party. You're both balanced and considerate, and you would probably enjoy reading together!

Garl and you are destined to be besties! We bet you're a bit of a foodie, so what better than a best friend who can cook? You guys would enjoy coming up with new fighting moves using kitchen utensils!

Erlina is the best friend for you! You're both smart and no-nonsense, and prefer to use your brains rather than your brawn! You would crush any group project in school!