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How Should You Celebrate Your SATS?

Exams are over! How you gonna celebrate?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

School's Out!


The tech ban is lifted! What you gonna play first?


Best 'school's out' movie?


Best game to play in the garden?


You're at the park. What you going on first?


Revision notes, what you gonna do with them? 

6/10 Hide and Seek game

Which of these lunchtime games is your fave?


Tasty treats to celebrate end of SATS? 


Turn in your papers and turn on the oven!


Your bag is packed, where you going?

@arianagrande | Instagram

Let's crank some music, what we having?

You should: Get outside and be active!

Climb trees, skip, play football, just get out there!

You should: Fire up the console!

Time to stop cramming and start gaming!

You should: Throw a party

Time for you and your squad to let your hair down!

You should: Have a water fight!

Shake off the exam stress with a good soaking!