Oxnoxious Green Or Yellow? What Colour Are You?
By answering a series of questions, we'll tell you which colour is a perfect match for your personality!

Where would you rather go on holiday?

Pick an animal:

@lizzobeeating | instagram
Which of these popstars have you listened to most recently?

@georgiaaquarium | giphy
Which of these things sounds most fun?

Which one of these things would you definitely NOT want in a sandwich?

What's your favourite type of sweet?
7/15 Pick a meal!

What's your favourite sport?

Who's your favourite basketball team?

What's your preferred type of bubble bath?

What season do you enjoy the most?

What's your favourite time of year?

Which colour makes you feel a bit annoyed?

Pick a Ninja Turtle.

What kind music helps you relax?

Your color: Banana yellow
The brightest and cheeriest of all colours is yellow. It's just a fact, we reckon.

Your colour: Pumpkin orange
It doesn't have to be pumpkin orange. It could be orange like a... well, an orange!

Your colour: Obnoxious green
This kind of colour will make you feel a bit sick if you look at it too long, so be careful!

Your colour: Relaxing blue
Your choices are well-suited to this chilled out blue hue!