What Kind of Learner Are You?
Want to know how you should study? This quiz is full of ideas!
Learning - it's important for everyone to do, but did you know everyone learns differently? It's true - what works for your best friend might not work for you! This quiz will help you identify which type of learning works best for you, and who knows - maybe you'll find a way to totally turn around your approach to revision! For more educational quizzes, check out the rest of the website - why not try our super tricky maths quiz, or our ultimate book quiz!

Which subject is your favourite?

What do you listen to when you study?

Do you like to make diagrams?

Which of these activities sounds the most fun?

Choose an animal!

Pick an extreme sport!

Which Disney princess do you most identify with?

Pick a pizza topping!

Which word sounds the best?

Where is your favourite place to study?

You're a visual learner! That means you learn best by seeing what to do. You learn best when you have maps, charts, diagrams and visual demonstrations! You're probably best at maths and the sciences!

You learn best via hearing! This means you're great at paying attention in class, and you revise by listening to the material! You're probably a big podcast fan, and your teachers love to have you in their classroom! You're probably best at the languages, and discursive subjects like English!

You're a tactile learner, which means you learn best by doing things! You like to get engaged and involved in an activity, and you probably hate to sit still! You're especially good at sports, games, the arts, and household tasks like cooking!

You learn best by reading and writing! A good study tactic for you is reading information and then re-writing it in your own words - a surefire way to remember it! You're probably best at subjects like history, modern studies, and media studies!