What Kind of Person Am I Quiz
Are you the life and soul of the party? A born adventurer? A total mystery? Take this ridiculous personality quiz and we'll tell you exactly what kind of person you are!
Not sure what kind of person you are? That's fair enough - nobody REALLY knows, after all! But you might get a little bit closer by taking this totally daft personality quiz! So read on and let's work out whether you're a barrel of laughs or a secret genius. Or maybe something else entirely!
Ready to take the test? Let's go!

What is in your pocket right now?

Where would you rather go on holiday?

What's for lunch?

Pick one:

If you were an animal you would be... what?

It's a rainy Saturday. What do you want to do?

What kind of music do you like?

What's the best time of day?

Pick a dream:

Now pick a party trick:

You are... FUN!
You're just loads of fun to be around! You can always work out how to make the best of any situation, and with yoru natural born silliness you can always turn boredom into a a great day. This is the best answer - and whilst it means you're a fun person to hang out with, more importantly it means that YOU have a good time! If you're not sure this is really you, have another go and see what you get next time!

You are... SMART!
You're a real brainbox and love learning new things about the world. Whether it's history, science, amazing facts or even maths - you know what you're interested in and you love finding out more about it. If you're not sure this is really you, have another go and see what you get next time!

You love trying new things! This might be music, food, movies, or even quizzes! You like doing things other people are a bit scared to do, whether it's exploring some wilderness, learning a new language, or even ordering something way spicier than you can handle! If you're not sure this is really you, have another go and see what you get next time!

You are... MYSTERIOUS!
You keep your cards close to your chest, and don't make it easy for people to work out what you're really like. You're funny, kind, smart - but there's something else that throws people off. Or maybe you don't know yet, either! If you're not sure this is really you, have another go and see what you get next time!