Bored? Try this What Skateboard Should I Get Quiz!
Long board? Short board? Grind out what's perfect for your style with this gnarly skateboarding quiz!
There's a lot of different skateboards out there - and finding the perfect one depends on loads of things! Like where you want to skate, what you like doing - even how lazy you are! So have a think and answer these questions - because choosing a skateboard is an important, once-in-a-lifetime decision! At least, until you smash it up and need to buy a new one!
Anyway - let's have a look at what skateboard you should get!

Where do you want to skateboard?
2/10 Pick a hoodie:

What's your favourite thing about skateboarding?

What are you listening to right now?

Favourite trick?

And now pick a favourite skateboarder:

What safety gear do you have?

You've just arrived at the skatepark! What do you do first?

Pick a skateboarding pet:

Pick a flip:

You should get a short board!
Looking to be the next Tony Hawk? These are the shortest of the skateboards and they're great for tricks and flying through the air. These are the ones designed for park and street racing and are the perfect match for those who just want to grind and kickflip their way around their town! Would you rather a different skateboard? Have another go and see what you get next time!

You should get a street skateboard!
You don't need a fancy skateboard - you just want whatever's going to let you cruise about town, grind on park benches and generally annoy old people. Street skateboards usually have smaller wheels to use on concrete areas around towns and cities... but to be honest the most important thing you need is your punk mentality! (and maybe knee pads) Would you rather a different skateboard? Have another go and see what you get next time!

You should get a long board!
Long boards are great for lots of different situations - you can boot it round town, and with the models with larger wheels you can even go over some rougher ground. Some long boards are great for downhill racing as they're a bit bigger and sturdier. They're not the "classic" skateboard though, but that's fine - who cares! Would you rather a different skateboard? Have another go and see what you get next time!

You should get an electric skateboard!
You've opted for the easy option! If just standing there and being wheeled around is your thing - then you need one of these! It's controlled by a remote, and has a little motor underneath. Pretty nifty - but you might still need to give it a hand going up hills! Would you rather a different skateboard? Have another go and see what you get next time!