Which Historic British Queen Are You Most Like?
This is a quiz for all the queens out there! Find out which bona-fide British queen you share a personality with!
Britain has had more kings than queens, but the queens it has had have made a SERIOUS impact on history! This quiz will match your personality to one of the UK's most famous historical female monarchs - will you be an innovator, a social architect or a warrior? And stick around for more quizzes about amazing women when you're done - find out which US First Lady's cause you share, or how much you know about International Women's Day!

What do you value the most?

Choose a regal colour!

How do your friends describe you?

Which title other than "queen" will you accept?

Choose an environment!

Choose a fictional queen!

Choose a hobby!

What's your favourite kind of weather?

Choose a royal companion!

Finally, pick a royal item to wear!

Elizabeth I!
Just like Good Queen Bess you're clever, dignified and SERIOUSLY independent! You're also partial to a fancy gown or two (or three or four or five...), and once you've made your mind up, NO ONE is changing it!

Just like Queen Victoria you're firm, no-nonsense and hard to shift once you've made your mind up! Just like her empire, you're constantly coming up with new ideas and innovations - you're super creative and a risk-taker, and it usually pays off for you.

Mary, Queen of Scots!
Like Mary you're clever, kind and a bit of a peacemaker - but that doesn't mean you're a pushover! You're very intelligent, and you're also full of integrity - no one can make you give up your goals!

Boudicca never ruled over the UK, but she WAS queen of her Celtic tribe, the Iceni, making her queen of an area that is now part of Britain! Just like her you're brave, ferocious and a natural leader - and no one should get on your bad side! Okay, you probably won't destroy Colchester when you're angry, but still!