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Which Royal Family Role Would You Fill?

The lives of the Royal Family are busy, but where would you fit in?

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated January 26th 2025

The Royal Family are famous around the world, but to keep the whole machine going there are lots of different members and people doing little bits and pieces! It’s not as simple as it sounds to fly around the world waving at people all day! So if you’ve ever wondered where you’d fit in, then this is the quiz for you! So jump on in and let’s see where we end up!


Where would you like to go on holiday?


There is a Corgi loose in the kitchen, what do you do?


The Royal Carriage has got a broken wheel, what do you do?


How do you take your tea?


Someone has stolen the Crown Jewels, what do you do next?


What time do you wake up?


What is your dream pet?


You’re in the shops, but you’re 20p short, what do you do?


The President of the United States is visiting, what do you prepare for dinner?


How much do you like the sport polo?

The Queen!

Of course! It’s only natural that you’d be the Queen! The Queen has always been at the top of the pile and just like her, you’re not the kind of person that would ever let someone tell you what to do! You make the rules, and it’s everyone else’s job to follow them! Of course if you were really the Queen, you’d be nice to everyone and give our free sandwiches wherever you went - right?

The Forgotten Relative!

Oh no! You’re the forgotten one! While the rest of the family go off to fancy dinners and are dragged around in carriages by horses, you get left off the invite list by accident. Sure that sometimes means you have to get the train to the Peruvian Embassy instead of the limousine, but that’s fine! You’re the kind of person that is really down to Earth and because of that people really like you - which is true in real life too! So maybe it’s not so bad being left off the invite list for those boring parties?

The Scheming Relative!

Throughout history the Royal Family has always had people trying to steal the throne! For you, that’s your role! According to your results, you’re the kind of person that would rather have the whole crown-shaped pie to yourself! Scheming relatives have always made plans to grab the crown, and a bit like you, they stop at nothing to get their way! In history this usually ends badly for them, but maybe you'll have better luck?

The Butler!

Awesome! According to your results, you’ve got the most in common with the Royal Butler! Now you might not be part of the family by blood, but you’re there every breakfast, and you know more than anyone about how the Royal Family like their eggs! Without people like you working behind the scenes, the whole thing would fall apart! Just like Royal Butlers, you’ve got an amazing attention to detail and nothing slips by, plus you’re amazing at keeping secrets! Nice one!