Which Squishy Are You?
You are a squishy. Don't argue, you are! But which one of the millions of squishies are you? Take our quiz!
Which Squishy Are You?
What's your favourite food?
What's the most important thing about squishies?
How fast should a squishy rise?
What's the best squishy smell?
What time do you like to get up in the morning?
6/13 What's your favourite animal?
If you were going out for the day - what would you do with your squishies?
8/13 What's your fave season?
Which of these shapes do you relate to the most?
Which of these statements is the truest about you?
How do you smell?
You've overslept! You're late for school! What do you think as you run out of the house?
Water. Like, what's the deal?
Silly Squishies
Jumbo Marshmallow Squishy
Soft, pastel-coloured and pleasant, you look like a real sweet... but are almost certainly highly toxic!
Silly Squishies
Sushi Squishy
Delicious yet pungent, you're an acquired taste but a magnificent one.
Silly Squishies
Colourful Cupcake Squishy
You're so dang BRIGHT, we gonna get our shades!
Silly Squishies
Turtle Squishy
You are this tiny, adorable, shelled, easily-squished creature of the sea!