Which Super Happy Magic Forest Creature Are You?
The Super Happy Magic Forest is full to the brim with legends, but which are you?
There are so many incredible, cute and hilarious characters that squirm and wiggle through the woods of the Super Happy Magic Forest, but of the lot, who have you got the most in common with!? Will you rise above the treetops like a dragon, or will you twist, twirl and spin like a self-cooling hat?! Why not jump into this quiz and find out for yourself!

What would you wear if you were going to be on TV?

What flavour is your favourite?

Mr Friendly Face has asked for help, what do you do?

What does snow day mean to you?

Which character from the show would you NOT invite to dinner?

Where would you rather have a picnic?

Which animal is your favourite?

What is your favourite colour?

The Goblin King has stolen the Teapot of Dribble Not, what do you do?

The golden spoon has gone missing, who might have it?

Frosteria the Snow Dragon!
Nice! You’ve got the most in common with Frosteria the Snow Dragon! What an epic result, not only is this an incredibly powerful character in the Super Happy Magic Forest, but she’s also very, very kind. Of course sometimes she gets tired, a little bit like you, but that's nothing a tasty biscuit wouldn’t be able to fix!

Boom! What an amazing result! Hoofius is one of the main characters in the show and stories, which on its own is a bit like you! After all, we’re all the main character in our own lives, but that’s not where the similarities end! Because you and Hoofius have got a few more things in common! You’re both very brave and strong, which is cool as heck - but you can also be a little bit clumsy too! Sound familiar?

Admin Bunny!
Nice! Bet you weren’t expecting this! But here we are! According to your results, you’ve got the most in common with the Admin Bunny, now this might seem like a boring result! But really, without the Admin Bunny, none of the quests in the Super Happy Magic Forest could ever even happen! So how about that? And just like the Admin Bunny, can you imagine how little would get done if you weren’t around to help?!

What a truly wonderful result! According to the answers you’ve given, you’ve got the most in common with Blossom the Unicorn! Blossom is one of the best characters in the whole show and is always on hand to cheer up the group! In that way Blossom is a bit like you, because all of your friends know that you’re the kind of person that will brighten their day whatever has happened!