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Can We Guess Your Zodiac Sign?

We can guess your Zodiac sign if you do this quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
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The stars have spoken, and it's time to unleash the mischief that each zodiac sign brings to the table we call, er... life.

Each zodiac sign is associated with specific elements (fire, earth, air, or water) and ruled by different celestial bodies, mainly planets.

Astrologers believe that the position of the sun, moon, planets, and stars at the time of a person's birth influences their personality, behaviour, and destiny. Many people read horoscopes based on their zodiac sign to give an idea of what might be happening to them in their lives at the time. Some people take it really seriously, while others see it as a bit of fun.

And did you know that the Beano was psychic? We can guess your zodiac sign if you answer these questions. But you must be honest. There can be no fibbing or the quiz won’t work. In fact it’s the only way the quiz won’t work!

Once we’ve guessed your star sign check out our What Zodiac Sign do You Act Like? Quiz or even our The Ultimate Zodiac Sign Quiz!


1/10 Which planet calls to you?


What’s your good side?


What’s your bad side?


What do you put on toast?


5/10 What’s your favourite season?


Pick a random word from the depths of your subconcious!


7/10 Favourite colour?


What was the closest to how your day went today?


And what happened yesterday?


What is your favourite board game?


Ooh you’re a Scorpio. Silent, devious and plotting. (If you’re not a Scorpio try answering the quiz again with the HONEST answers)


Our psychic powers tell us you’re an Aries. Kind but easily led! (If you’re not an Aries try answering the quiz again with the HONEST answers)


Taurus’ are natural leaders and always willing to push themselves to the limit. Just like you. (Unless you’re not a Taurus in which case try answering the quiz again with the HONEST answers)

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So what if you can be crabby sometimes. That’s how all Cancerians are! You just need to embrace your grumpy side (Unless you’re not a Cancer in which case try answering the quiz again with the HONEST answers)