AI or Real Art Quiz - Can You Tell The Difference?!
Can you tell a machine from a master? Let’s find out!
Computers are becoming better and better at creating things that look like a human has made them. Lots of people are a bit afraid of this and that’s okay - because we don’t really know what might happen in the future. So are you ready for the future? Can you tell a lazy fake from the real thing? Let’s find out! Don't trust the names though! They might be made up! Just think about the art, does it look like a human made it? Have you got what it takes to tell the difference?!

Real or AI?

Real or AI?

Real or AI?

Real or AI?

Real or AI?

Real or AI?

Real or AI?

Real or AI?

Real or AI?

Real or AI?

Oh dear! It looks like the machines have gotten the better of you! You haven’t got any of these right! That’s pretty scary, but don’t worry, let’s put it down to not knowing all those super old artists? How about that? So how about we have another go and see if you can do better a second time around?

Alright! You’ve got a bit of an eye for spotting art that has been made by an unthinking cold machine! Not bad! But quite a few snuck past you so be careful out there! As we go forward into the future, there will be lots and lots of AI made stuff in the world so we need to keep our eyes and brains peeled!

Awesome! Well done! You can pick out real art from the stuff made by a robot most of the time! That’s a really good skill to keep hold of, and as AI gets more powerful just remember that humans are valuable because of how different and unique we each are. AI art all kind of looks the same - but real art, made by real people has all those little human mistakes that really make it special!

Epic! There’s nothing that gets past you! You’ve got a brilliant understanding and knowledge of art and the humans (or machines) that are behind it! There aren’t many people with such a solid knowledge of art so you should be really proud of yourself! You’ve done something that few people can and proven that humans are unique, and we’ve got a special something that AI can’t replace! Nice!