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Algebra quiz

Algebra Quiz and Trivia!

Are you an algebraniac? test your knowledge with this epic quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team โ€ข Updated August 21st 2024
1/15 A scene from the movie Big
Big | James L. Brooks, Robert Greenhut | Penny Marshall | Gracie Films

In the movie Big, Josh Baskin uses which sport to help his friend Billy Kopecki solve an algebra problem?

2/15 A student enjoying a bit of algebra

How many types of algebra are there?

3/15 A student working out a maths problem on a wipe board

Which of the following is not a type of algebra?

4/15 An algebra symbol

What does this symbol mean?

5/15 A dog holding a pencil in its mouth

Which of the following is a true algebraic expression?

6/15 A person thinking about maths

What does the word โ€˜algebraโ€™ mean? 


Which people invented algebra?  


What does this symbol mean?

9/15 Ruby von Screwtop writing equations

What is the most famous algebraic equation?

10/15 A dog surrounded by equations

What is elementary algebra? 


What does this symbol mean? 

12/15 A man with an abacus

What do you call someone who is an expert in algebra?

13/15 A student working out an algebra problem

What is Boolean Algebra commonly used for? 


What is a variable?

15/15 Maths students

2000 years ago in Egypt, Eratosthenes used algebra to accurately estimate what? 

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