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Back to School Quiz: Mr Nipplé’s French Test

Put your language skills to the test and see if you can pass Mr Nipplé's fiendish French exam!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

O-kay my petit chums! Quiet down - ze test is about to begin! No talking, no giggling, and definitely no cheating! I 'ave my eyes on you!


How do you pronounce banque?


How do you say "thanks" in le Francais?


The word is Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän is the longest word in French. True or false?


To say the number 70 in French, you have to say "60 plus 10". True or false?


Which one of these is a real French tongue-twister? Clue: it means "if my uncle shaves your uncle, your uncle will be shaved"


What is a pampelmousse?


Which of these accents do we NOT use in French?


"Potato" in French translates as "apple of the earth". True or false?


What do you call someone who speaks French?


How do you pronounce my name?

Mon dieu! I am very disappointed! And that's Nippl-AY!  If you want more cool Stevie Knows lols, check out Beano's Back to School stuff here!

Sacre bleu! Not bad - but I'm still setting you extra homework. Heh.If you want more cool Stevie Knows lols, check out Beano's Back to School stuff here!

Tres bon! You are une naturelle! Magnifique!If you want more cool Stevie Knows lols, check out Beano's Back to School stuff here!

Tres fantastique! C'est une high score - great work!If you want more cool Stevie Knows lols, check out Beano's Back to School stuff here!