Moon Landing Trivia Quiz
Will you stick the landing, or will your boosters backfire? Let’s find out!
The Moon Landing was one of the most complicated things humans have ever done, and it took lots and lots of teamwork to make it happen, but do you think you’ve got the skills to beat this quiz all on your own? It’s time to pop closed the buttons on your space suit, tighten the buckles, and prepare for a quiz that will change the future of humanity forever!

What was the name of the Moon Landing mission?

Who was the first human in space?

Which nation’s flag was planted on the moon’s surface?

Who was the first human to step on the moon?

Finish the quote: “One small for a man…”

What animal was on the Apollo emblem?

When the crew landed back on Earth, where did they land?

What happened to the flag when the module lifted back off of the moon’s surface?

How did Neil Armstrong describe the moon’s surface?

What was the name of the moon lander?

Uh oh! It looks like your calculations were way off, better luck next time! With scores like these, the shuttle has completely missed the moon and is now hurtling into space and the unknown! But don’t worry, thankfully this quiz isn’t the thing that a team of astronauts are relying on! So, if you want to see if you can score better, why not give the quiz another try? We’re sure you can do better!

Nice! Not too bad! You’ve scored okay on this quiz! Now ‘okay’ might not be quite good enough to make sure all the astronauts get back from a mission safe and sound, but it’s alright for a quiz! But that said, if you want to prove to yourself that you can do better, and that maybe you do have a future in spaceflight, then why not give this quiz another try?

Awesome! Great work! You’ve successfully fulfilled your mission! You’ve scored really well on this quiz and you should be very proud! There are one or two questions you missed out on but that’s okay, thankfully this is only a quiz! But if you think you can score higher, why not give it one last try, the fate of the future of humanity is in your hands - so no pressure…

Epic! Wow! Great work! You know literally everything that there is to know about the Moon Landings! With knowledge like yours, it’s hard to imagine anything going wrong on a spaceflight! You’ve got so much tucked away in that brain of yours that maybe a career as an astronaut is an option for you? You never know, maybe it's time to land on the moon once again? Move over Neil Armstrong!