Pixel Art Quiz For The Truly Talented!
Can you use your massive brain to get through the pixels to find the art??
Art is super important to how humans express themselves and show how they feel about the world! We’ve put together some really famous artworks and some super other arty things but we’ve pixelated them - can you work out what they are behind their disguise? Give it a go and test your knowledge!

Can you name the person behind this famous artistic work?

Name this famous artist?

What art supplies are here?

What is this called?

What is this?

What are these usually made of?

Name this painting?

Which country is this famous painting from?

Who made this famous artwork?

What do sculptors use to make their work?

Alright! Okay! So we haven’t done that well on this quiz but that’s okay - when it comes to art you've got to start somewhere so why not here (at the bottom)? Let’s have another go and see if you can score higher, give it a try, you might surprise yourself!

Nice! You’ve clearly got a very artistic mind and you’re not afraid to show it off! You’ve done pretty well on this quiz and you should be proud of yourself! Do you think you’ve got it in you to score higher? Well if you think so, what are you waiting for, let’s give this quiz another spin and see if you can score full marks!?

Amazing! You’ve scored really really well on this quiz! You’ve got art on the brain and the knowledge to back it up! You’re the kind of person that isn’t afraid to show off their skills so well done! There aren’t many people out there that would be able to score so high on a quiz like this so you should be super proud of yourself! Why not see what other quizzes we’ve got on the site and see if you can beat them too?

Blam! You’ve got full marks! 100%! There’s nothing that gets past you, truly! You’re a superstar when it comes to seeing behind the curtain and understanding what’s happening on the other side! Give yourself a big ol’ pat on the back and enjoy the glory of beating this quiz once and for all! And when you’re done congratulating yourself and bragging to your friends - why not have another go at some of the other quizzes we’ve got? Can you beat them too?