Ultimate Maths Quiz: Test Your Brainpower Now!
Maths is all around us. It's even in the Beano. Play the Ultimate Maths Quiz now!

Maths is short for...?

What sort of triangle is this?

What's this symbol used for?

How do you find the area of a rectangle?

What does this famous equation mean? E = MC2

2 + 2 =

Jumanji: The Next Level | Colombia | Sony | Jake Kasdan
The 8 times table is the hardest imho. What’s 8 x 8?

Elf | New Line Cinema | New Line Distribution | Jon Favreau
Getting harder now. What’s the square route of 16

What is pi?

Major maths meltdown: How many seconds are in a day?

Who's this stoney dude?
12/15 What do these numbers have in common? 3 7 13 17 29

Great British Bake Off | Love Productions | BBC
What’s next in the sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ?

Sesame Street | Sesame Workshop | PBS
Maths is..

Secret Life of Pets | Illumination Entertainment | Chris Meledandri, Janet Healy | Chris Renaud
How many sides does a heptadecagon have?

Must try harder! This Maths quiz had you stumped. But don't worry, it was one of the harder ones. Why don't you try another?

Not bad! You didn't do too badly. Why don't you do some revision and then have another go.

Top of the class! You're one of those people that can calculate the speed of a moving car in your head, whilst completing the sudoku! Well done you!