Amazing US Inventions Quiz: How Much Do You Know?
Feeling extra inventive today? See how much you know about the incredible technology of the USA with this trivia quiz!
Are you an aspiring inventor, or an American history buff? Maybe a bit of both? Great news then – this is the quiz for you! You’re about to have your knowledge put to the trickiest test of all – the Beano trivia quiz! Good luck – we believe in you! And don’t forget to try some of our other quizzes while you’re here! Try the ultimate technology quiz, or see how much you know about computer science!

Who invented the first successful airplane?

Which road sign was first proposed in 1890 in the USA?

The zip is an American invention – do you know which year it first appeared?

In which year was the microwave invented?

Thomas Edison is a famous American inventor – which of these strange inventions was a real patent of his?

American virologist Jonas Salk developed an amazing, lifesaving vaccine – which disease was it for?

The Slinky was invented in 1943 by American engineer Richard T. James. When it first went on display in 1945, how many were sold in 90 minutes?

Which of these truly life-saving inventions did NOT come from the USA?

Which amazingly popular website was founded in the USA in 2005?

The first tablet computer was Apple's iPad – which year did it debut?

Oops! You stil have a lot to learn about American inventions! Hey it's okay – it was a tricky quiz, and you can always come back and have another go later!

Not bad at all! You know a thing or two about the history of inventions, which is seriously impressive! We just know you can score higher though – why not have another go and see?

Very good! You know a lot about American inventions, so well done – you should be proud! Next time, you're sure to get a perfect score!

Wonderful – a perfect score! Well done! No one knows more about US inventions than you. Maybe you're an aspiring inventor yourself?