Ultimate US State Symbols Trivia Quiz!
Here's a quiz that's perfect for fans of fauna, geography and US history - the ultimate US state symbols quiz!
Each US state has its own flag and seal, but it also has a LOT of state symbols! Animals, trees, flowers, foods - some of them are famous, but some are a little trickier to work out? Can you manage a top score in this US state symbols quiz? We just know you can! And don't forget to try our other US quizzes - have a go at our American wildlife true or false quiz, or see how much you know about American transport!

Let's start out country-wide! What's the official national animal of the USA?

What is the official state animal of California?

What is the state instrument of Hawai'i?

What is the state fruit of Florida? It also appears on license plates in the state!

What's the official state slogan of New York?

Which state has "You Are My Sunshine" as its official state song?

What is Texas's official nickname?

Which state's official bird is the American robin?

What is Massachussett's official state dog?

What is the official land mammal of Alaska?

Whoops! Looks like you've got lots to learn about the US states and their symbols! Hey, don't worry - it was a tough quiz, after all! You can always come back and have another go!

Not bad at all! You definitely know more than most people about US state symbols - and next time, you're sure to get a higher score!

Very good! You're a total whiz when it comes to US knowledge, and it looks like state symbols are your specialty! Well done - next time, your score is bound to be perfect!

A perfect score - that's absolutely amazing! Well done! No one knows more about US state symbols than you, not even the president!