Which Historic British King Are You Most Like
Straighten your crown and put on your best robes - it's time to find out which British king you are!
Did you know that Britain has had 55 kings? Maybe you did - but what you didn't know is that we can tell you which one you're most like, and all you'll need to do is answer these personality questions! So who will it be? Are you a trailblazer, a patron of the arts, or someone who appreciates the good life? It's time to find out! Don't forget to try tes rest of our royal content when you're done - why not learn all about Charles I and Charles II, or see how much you know about the Tudors?

Choose a historical period!

What would be the worst thing about living in the past?

What word would your friends use to describe you?

What kind of historic housing sounds best?

Choose an old-timey word!

Choose a fictional king!

Choose a regal colour!

Which old-timey pursuit are you most interested in?

Pick a season!

What kind of crown do you want?

Henry VIII!
He might be the most famous king in British history - or should that be infamous??? Still, it's not necessarily a bad result to get! You can say a lot abotu Henry VIII, but you can't say he wasn't a game-changer. Some of the most significant changes in British history came from ol' Henry, particularly the establishment of the Chruch of England. You're also a bit of a game changer, and you love your comforts - maybe not to the same extent as Henry, though!

Charles II!
Charles II had a reputation as a party boy, and the nickname of "the merry monarch" - but there was a bit more to him than that! Most notably, he was a big supporter of the sciences, and he founded the Royal Society and helped to start the Royal Observatory! Just like him, you're a fun person but you do have a serious side!

George III!
George III was best known as the king who presided over the loss of the American colonies (oops) and who went a bit mad at the end of his reign, but there was more to him than that! He had a very long reign, and he was a patron of the arts and sciences, plus he was a bit of a trend-setter - did you know he was the one who made going to the seaside fashionable? You're also a jack-of-all-trades, and in touch with your interests!

William the Conqueror!
Just like the guy who started it all, you're a leader and a trendsetter! William introduced a bunch of stuff to England, like the census The Domesday Book, the feudal system, and some cool architecture. Historians have a lot of opinions about him, but you can't deny he changed things up! You'd love to be rememebered as someone who made a difference, just like William.