Year 3 Maths Quiz
Are you a maths whizz? You probably are - but let's find out anyway!

Elrond wants to buy a 99p bag of frog spawn. This is what he has in his pocket. Does he have enough?

What does subtracting mean?

How many zeroes does a thousand have?

What's bigger, 1/2 or 1/4?

@textbackpack | giphy
Pick the even number:

What's 24 times 2?

What's 7 x 4?

@zita_nagy | giphy
What's 14 minus 6?

What's the perimeter of a shape?

Hamish has 3 £1 coins, and his best friend Linda has 2 twenty p coins. And a rubber band, an acorn and some pocket fluff. How much money have they got in total?

How do you write eleven thousand four hundred and sixty two in numbers?

How many 20p buttons can you buy with £4?

Oh dear. More of a words kind of person? Fair enough. Have another go?

Not bad - but you can do better! Have another go?

Good job! Nothing gets past you! Well not much, anyway. Can you beat this score on another quiz?

High score! You're a maths LEGEND!