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Moon Phases Quiz!

Humans have always looked up at the moon - but are you a lunar expert?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  September 22nd 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated September 22nd 2024

The moon has been there, keeping humans company for as long as there have been eyes to see it! It comes around every night, says hello and then disappears as the sun swings back into day. But if you think you know everything there is to know about the moon then why not have a go at this moon phase quiz and put it to the test?

1/10 An orangutan with a telescope

What is someone who studies space called?

2/10 A panda resting on the moon

How long is the cycle of moon phases?

3/10 A flamingo in an astronaut suit

What is the name we give to the moon at its largest?

4/10 A moon in the daylight

What is it called when a calendar month has two full moons?

5/10 A raccoon looking at the moon

What do we call the moon phases as it gets bigger and brighter?

6/10 A llama looking at the moon

What do we call the moon phases as it gets smaller and darker?

7/10 A monkey on a laptop considering the moon phase

Does a Waxing Gibbous come before, or after a full moon?

8/10 A total lunar eclipse

When does a total lunar eclipse happen?

9/10 A loaf of bread in space

A total lunar eclipse is sometimes called a what?

10/10 A big telescope

What do we call the moon phase at its smallest?

Result: Oh dear

Okay! So you haven’t done so well on this quiz, but that’s okay! It took us a long time as humans to work out what the moon really was after all, so you’re in good company! But hey! If you want to get a better score on this quiz, why not have another go and see if you can score higher?! You’ve got this!

Result: Nice one

Nice! You know loads about the different phases of a moon, and how it moves around Planet Earth. You might not be a full on moon expert, but that’s okay! You’ve got the basics down and that’s the perfect palace to start! But if you still want to score full marks on this quiz then why not give it another shot and see if you can score higher?

Result: Epic score

Amazing! You’ve got the blood of an astronomer flowing through your veins! With lunar knowledge like yours there’s nobody that can touch you when it comes to questions about the moon phases! Great work, you’ve smashed this, but there were a few questions you just missed out on! If you think you’ve got the skills to get 100% on this quiz, why not give it one last try?

Result: Full marks

Pow! You’ve crushed this quiz, knocked it so far out of the park it’s spun into the moon and changed how it moves in the night’s sky! What a result! You should be mega proud of yourself, knowledge really is power, and you’ve got that in bundles! But what next? Where do you go from here!? Why not check out some of the other science quizzes we’ve got and give them a whirl?