Science Quiz Questions | The Stupid School Quiz: Science!
How's your science knowledge? Take this science quiz and find out once and for all!
Science is amazing and does the perfect job of explaining just about anything that happens on this planet AND beyond!
Test your scientific knowledge and see how many points you can score!

Which of these is NOT a famous scientist?

What did Edward Jenner do?

What's the opposite PH level to alkaline?

Which of these is true:

What's the 'powerhouse' or 'brain' of a cell called?

What is the lightest structural metal?

For another point, tell us what temperature Farenheit and Celsius are equal to each other?

What does the earth weigh?

What is the pigment which makes leaves green?

How many teeth do adults have?

What is the distance between the earth and the sun?

What is a material that will not carry an electrical charge called?

If you throw a ball across a field, which forces are most likely to cause it to stop?

What force pulls all objects toward the center of the Earth?

Who came up with the three laws of motion?

What is a scientist called that studies soil?

What are the poles of a magnet called?

Why do birds fly south for the winter?

The most powerful magnets in the universe are actually stars. What are they called?

What type of scientist studies motion?

Oh dear! Why not have another go? Go on, we believe in you!

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Great work! You seem to know a lot about science. Do you ask for extra homework or something?

Amazing! You know loads about science! You're a super boffin!