US Inventions in Science and Medicine
Think you know about these world-changing American inventions in science and medicine? Take this quiz and put your skills to the test!
Test your knowledge of these amazing inventions from the United States! You might be surprised by what Americans have come up with over the years. The telephone? Yep. Band-aids? Sure. The steam engine? Ah - err, no, actually. Anyway let's get back to it!
Let’s see how much you know!

Who invented the telephone?

And who invented the electric light bulb in 1879?

What did Charles Goodyear make tyres from?

What body part did Robert Jarvick make an artificial version of in the 1980s?

Which of these vaccines was invented by an American, Jonas Salk?

Super glue was originally invented to glue up US soldiers' wounds. True or false?

What delicious thing did the botanist George Washington Carver invent?

X-rays were invented by an American scientist. True or false?

The band-aid was invented by... who?

Which of these were invented by an American?

Oh no! This is not your best work! You should probably swot up on your US science and mecine inventions... and then come back and have another go at this quiz! Better luck next time, science fan!

Pretty good! You definitely know a thing or two about US inventions! Good job - you didn't quite get a high score but don't worry. Have another go and see if you can score a bit higher on this quiz. Good luck!

Wahoo! This is an amazing score! You almost got 10/10 - do you know where you went wrong? You clearly know a lot about this topic - but can you beat this score on a different science quiz? We have lots more where this one came from!

Amazing! High score! This is the perfect result! You know American inventions in science and medicine inside out! Well done! You can't beat this score - but you might be able to match it on a different science quiz! Up for the challenge? We have lots more quizzes where this one came from!