What Planet Are You Quiz?
Are you a floating rock or a ball of swirling gas? Let’s find out!
Space is a huge place, full of wonder, mystery and lots of emptiness in between! So if you’ve ever wondered which of the planets you’ve got most in common with, then this is the quiz for you! Have you got the fiery spirit of Mars, or are you cold as Uranus? Maybe you’ve got a big personality, but you’re actually all hot gas? Who knows? But you can find out, so jump into this quiz and see for yourself!`

Which bit of technology is the most important to your space travels?

Where would you rather go on holiday?

You’ve worked out how to travel at light speed, where do you go first?

What is the most important thing about a best friend?

How would you pass the time on a space voyage?

What would you take on a space voyage?

Which of these vegetables is your favourite?

What animal would you take on you for a long distance space adventure?

An asteroid is heading toward your space ship, what do you do?

You’ve come back to Earth after a long voyage, what did you miss the most?

Amazing! You’ve got the most in common with Jupiter! This enormous gas giant is the largest body in our solar system other than the sun, it’s huge, like seriously huge. In fact it’s so big you could fit about 1,300 Earths inside of it! But you haven’t got this result because you’re physically massive, no chance - you’ve got the most in common with Jupiter because, simply put, you’re the boss! There’s no-one around that can challenge you and you know it! You’re a super confident person and nothing can get in your way! You probably knew you were going to get Jupiter before you even started this quiz! Nice one!

Awesome! You’ve got the most in common with Mars! Now Mars is one of the most similar planets to Earth, and scientists believe that there was once water on the planet. Maybe one day humans will be able to visit, but maybe we should look after planet Earth first, right? This is a very interesting result, because you don’t look much like a giant red rock, but for humans, Mars has always been a symbol of fire, and strength, because of the way it glows red in the sky! That’s probably why you've gotten this result, because you’re a bit of a hot head! You often act without thinking, and usually that’s fine, but sometimes you’ve got to take a little second to cool down!

Boom! Uranus is a truly epic planet, it might not be one of the biggest, but it’s definitely the coldest planet in our solar system and temperatures there sit around -244 celsius, which is pretty chilly! That’s probably why you’ve gotten this result, you’re one cool character, and it doesn’t matter what life throws at you, you’re the kind of person that will take it on, breathe deep and move past it! What a result!

Proxima Centauri B!
Wow! Okay! This is a rogue one! So according to your results, you’ve got the most in common with Proxima Centauri B, this is the nearest planet to Earth outside of our solar system. It’s one of billions of ‘exo-planets’ in our galaxy and even though it’s the nearest, it’s still 4.25 light years away! That means it takes 4.25 years for light the travel between Earth and Proxima Centauri B - and light is really fast! You’ve probably got this result because you’re a bit of a mystery, you like to keep secrets, and you’re really good at it too, after all, there is nothing more mysterious than a planet deep out into space!