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Football: True or False Quiz - Will You Get Full Marks?

Have you got the skills? Find out right here!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Football, Soccer, Kick Ball - whatever you call it, it’s one of the biggest sports on Earth! But are you the GOAT when it comes to this ancient sport? Do you know your fouls from your feet or will you slip into the offside trap? Take this true or false quiz and test your skills! Play ball!


Football was invented in China


Early footballs were inflated animal guts!


Football matches used to be 60 minutes

England Football | Official Gallery

England legend Lucy Bronze speaks Spanish, Portuguese and French


Football is the most dangerous sport on Earth


An Icelandic player’s transfer fee was once paid in shrimp


In the UK women’s football was banned until 1971


Messi was a golf player before he started playing football


Ronaldo has scored more goals than there are species of woodlouse


The Scuttlebutt is an illegal trick in football

Oh dear! Have you been on another planet? Or did you fall asleep and randomly smash the buttons on this quiz? You haven't done very well at all on this quiz but that’s okay - football isn’t everyone’s sport, but it definitely isn’t yours! Why not check out some of the other quizzes we’ve got on the site and see if you can do better on those ones?

Alright! So you’ve got the basics of this true or false quiz! You know at least that football is a sport, and that’s a start. If you keep this kind of quiz knowledge up, you might end up with some high scores in the future! For now, you’ve still got some work to do, so why not check out some of the other football quizzes we’ve got and see if you can score better on those?

Nice! This is the kind of fabulous footie know-how we like to see! You’ve scored really well on this quiz and it’s pretty obvious that you know your way around the pitch - at least the football pitch that exists inside your mind! Your answers were almost all bang on the money - so if you try your hand at some of the other football quizzes we’ve got on the site you might well be able to nail those ones too! Give it a go!

Heck yes! You’ve booted this one so far out of the park it’s become a shining star in the sky! Well done! With knowledge like yours the world of football quizzes is for the taking! You’ve made it to the highest peak and scored the most you possibly could have done - what an incredible result! Enjoy the glory!